Colin Brush

Who is he? Why is he here? Is this thing on?

Colin the Copywriter

Colin Brush was born in Scotland and reluctantly raised on the small Channel Island of Jersey. After a sojourn studying geology in Glasgow (where he discovered the most likely career path involved wrestling the grease out of rocks) he moved to London and made the questionable decision to indulge his love of literature by becoming a member of the book trade. In consequence, he has worked variously as a bookseller, stock controller, proof reader, copy editor, quarterly zine publisher, catalogue and advertising copywriter and, latterly, a publishing blurb writer. Over the last quarter century he has written the cover copy for well over 5,000 books, encompassing every kind of fiction and non-fiction fit to print, including numerous Sunday Times bestsellers and a considerably larger number of not Sunday Times bestsellers.



Colin is represented by:
John Berlyne
Zeno Agency Ltd
Primrose Hill Business Centre
110 Gloucester Avenue
London NW1 8HX

Tel: +44 207 096 0927

Email: info[@]

I can also be found here:

Get in touch:

In America you can also contact:

Joshua Bilmes
JABberwocky Literary Agency, Inc.
49 W 45th St., Suite #5N
New York, NY 10036-4603
Phone: 917.388.3010